Who owns the site?
The site is owned by Kensington and Chelsea Council.
What is Mount Anvil’s involvement?
Mount Anvil has been chosen by Kensington and Chelsea Council as the developer partner after a competitive tender process and will be responsible for consulting with the community, designing and creating the scheme and submitting a planning application to the council. Mount Anvil will also build the project if it is given planning permission.
When will you be able to share designs and images of the buildings?
You can find a summary of our proposed designs so far via the ‘Consultation so far’ page.
How can the local community get involved and have their say on the development?
Sign up for the mailing list using the contact details on this website.
We are determined that anyone who wants to be involved in consultation can be. There will be a wide range of ways to engage online, in-person at workshops or drop-in sessions, via social media, this website and surveys.
What other developments have Mount Anvil worked on?
Mount Anvil work only in London and only on a small number of project at a time, so we can give them the attention they deserve.
You can see a list of previous projects on the Mount Anvil website https://mountanvil.com/find-your-home/
When will you start construction?
We are hoping to submit a planning application in Spring 2025, with construction works beginning in early 2026 should planning permission be granted.