Consulting on the development proposals for ‘Lots Road South’

Following several rounds of consultation over the last few years, we are now launching our next round of consultation to present our updated proposals to the local community. This consultation will show how we have taken valuable feedback received to date onboard and we would welcome your thoughts on the revised plans.

Our upcoming drop-in events will provide the opportunity to learn more, ask questions and provide feedback. We will be collating all of your feedback and will show how this has shaped our proposals ahead of submitting our application in the summer.

Join us at our public drop-in events to learn more

Our events will be held at 71 Lots Road, the former Lots Road Auctions unit, on:

  • Wednesday 26 March from 4pm to 8pm
  • Saturday 29 March from 10am to 2pm

All information and our consultation survey will be shared on this website from Monday 31 March and you’ll be able to share your thoughts with us until the consultation closes on 18 April.

Delivering for the Lots Road community and the Council

At the beginning of 2023, Mount Anvil was selected by Kensington and Chelsea Council as development partner for Lots Road South. We, Mount Anvil, are incredibly proud to have been entrusted with this important part of the Lots Road neighbourhood, and will be working hard alongside the Council to develop a design which delivers for both the borough and Lots Road community.

We want as many people as possible to be part of this process. We’ll be sharing regular updates on this website and in digital and printed newsletters to the local community.

Before Mount Anvil was brought onboard, Kensington and Chelsea Council spent some time consulting with the local community on its vision for the site and wider Lots Road area.

Take a look at the timeline to learn more about their activity and how we’ll be taking this forward together:

March to November 2021

Mapping and design workshops

Throughout 2021 the Council held 10 workshops with local residents, community groups, businesses and ward councillors. These captured ideas for how ‘Lots Road South’ could be developed to best meet the needs of the local community.

July 2022

Creating a Design Brief Supplementary Planning Document

Using this feedback, a design brief was created to provide a planning framework for what should be delivered as part of any future redevelopment. This included delivering affordable workspace; commercial space; affordable housing; extra care homes; public space and landscaping; and the reprovision of the Auction House.

February 2023

Kensington and Chelsea Council invites tenders and selects Mount Anvil as Development Partner

In late 2022, the Council set out to find the right development partner for the site, and after a rigorous tender process, which included input from local residents, Mount Anvil was selected in February 2023.

May/June 2023

Meet Mount Anvil

Having been appointed, we held some intro sessions with our project team on 31 May and 6 June 2023. At these, we heard that:

 The community wants to be kept up to date with the plans and be given different opportunities to have their say.

 People were interested in the commercial units and how these could help boost the local economy. There is a desire to see more green spaces and improve access to the Creek.

 The types of homes delivered here will be important, and more information is needed on the affordable homes.

 Building heights and any impact on light must be considered carefully.

 Minimising the amount of disruption during construction is a top priority.

July 2023

Our first design workshop was held where members of the public met with our architects to explore height and massing options for the site.

Download our feedback report from our first workshop here.

October 2023

Consultation on emerging proposals

At this consultation, we’re presenting detail of our emerging proposals for Lots Road South. We want to hear from the community about our early thoughts for the site – make sure to get involved and share your feedback with us!

Download the exhibition boards from our events here.

Download our feedback report from the consultation here.

July – September 2024

Following two rounds of consultation in 2023, we held a third phase to present our updated proposals to the local community; showing how we have taken feedback onboard and receiving community feedback on the plans.

We held two drop-in events in the former Lots Road Auctions unit on 20 and 23 July. It was great to talk to so many local residents and community members.

We are here!

March / April 2025

We are now launching our next round of consultation to present our updated proposals to the local community. This consultation will show how we have taken valuable feedback received to date onboard and we would welcome your thoughts on the revised plans.

Our upcoming drop-in events will provide the opportunity to learn more, ask questions and provide feedback. We will be collating all of your feedback and will show how this has shaped our proposals ahead of submitting our application in the summer.

Join us at our public drop-in events to learn more

Our events will be held at 71 Lots Road, the former Lots Road Auctions unit, on:

  • Wednesday 26 March from 4pm to 8pm
  • Saturday 29 March from 10am to 2pm

All information and our consultation survey will be shared on this website from Monday 31 March and you’ll be able to share your thoughts with us until the consultation closes on 18 April.

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